Acupuncture can be very helpful to slow down the speed of aging. Acupuncture Orillia Senior practitioners will treat your case carefully. The sicency behide that is, spleen, heart, kidney, lung, liver are closely relative with aging, Kidney is an key organ to contalling our aging.

Acupuncture Orillia Senior

When we start aging, we will have a lot signs, like: joint pain, lack or energy, sleep light, lossing mucle and bone desity, diet slow down, loss memory, loss muscle strength, back pain, weak limbs, frequenly peel at night , short of breath, easy catching a cold, blurred vision and eyes problem, and so on.

Etiology, Pathogenesis, And Signs:

Tonify spleen, heart, kiney, lung and liver accordingly, this can help you to slow down the aging speed.

For example, joint pain, lack or energy, lossing mucle, diet slow down, loss memory, loss muscle strength, these sign of spleen defficency, we can tonify the spleen;

And for joint pain , back pain, weak limbs, frequenly peel at night and so on, these sign of kidney defficency, we can tonify kidney.

And for loss memory, diziness, paplation and so on, these sign of heart defficency, we can tonify the heart;

And for short of breath, easy catching a cold and so on, these sign of lung defficency, we can tonify the lung.

And for blurred vision and eyes problem, sign of liver defficeny, we can tonify the liver.

Spenting some time for a regualar maitenant are big plus to your health, one or twice a money are highly recommended.

BOOK ONLINE – Meet Acupuncture Orillia Senior practitioner – SLOW DOWN THE AGING AND GET LONGEVITY

We will be here only once or twice a week, if you want an appoitment, please make it ASAP before someone take it.

Should you need help to find the place or parking, or need help make appoitment, feel free to contact us.

Our clients

Gus P.
Gus P.
If there was a 6th star I would definitely give it to Cindy. She is the most knowledgeable and caring acupuncturist I have ever had treatments with. She's in the process of helping me with severe anxiety, body stiffness and blood circulation. I feel fantastic after an hour with Cindy. My condition is definitely improving only after a few treatments. I highly recommend a session with her. You won't be disappointed, guaranteed.
Kalen Leo
Kalen Leo
I’ve seen Cindy once or twice a week for the past month and she has taken my pain from 8/10 to 2/10. She is gentle and knowledgeable which I appreciate.
Cindy is great. Very pleasant and welcoming. I can finally get relief from my trigger points with her combination of acupuncture and cupping!
Kathryn Brownlee
Kathryn Brownlee
I have been utilizing TCM for over 40 years in Toronto. I moved to Orillia in Dec 2022 and became very ill with COVID in July 2023. While in very rough shape, I found Cindy and she helped me heal very quickly! Since then I see her weekly to improve my immune system, lung, kidney, and liver functions. I feel better than I have in a long time since my previous practitioner retired. She is very well trained ( in China), knowledgeable, compassionate, works gently with her client,Is flexible with scheduling appointments, and prices are very reasonable, including giving a discount to seniors.I am so happy to have her available in Orillia and would refer anyone to her. She always works with her best efforts!! Thank you for helping me on many occasions.
Powell Flint
Powell Flint
My father had stroke 5 years ago, not able to walk, need to move with a walker, after visit this clinic for regular treatment for 3 months, he can walk now.
Ashley Colt
Ashley Colt
Discover the healing benefits of acupuncture Orillia. Their Experienced practitioners use traditional Chinese medicine techniques to promote holistic wellness and alleviate a variety of ailments. Book your appointment today to experience the natural healing power of acupuncture in orillia.
Amanda McCormick
Amanda McCormick
Cindy is Great, knowledgeable, Gentle and polite. I have been seeing her for a couple for frozen hip and shoulder and have enjoyed some increased movement.
Melanie MacMurchy
Melanie MacMurchy
Came in with some excruciating pain at the base of my neck and within 3 sessions Cindy had me all sorted! Definitely recommend.
Scott Mercier
Scott Mercier
I've been quite ill for almost 5 years. Not fully diagnosed yet, but includes Fibromyalgia and Myalgic encephalomyelitis/CFS. I have tried numerous treatments including acupuncture. None of them helped at all. I have only been going to Cindy for a few weeks so far but I have seen a noticeable improvement in both my pain and energy. Even if I have no further improvements I would certainly call her treatments a success. Highly Recommended!
ken harding
ken harding
Angelina kopylova
Angelina kopylova
I had a great experience. I am feeling so much better after the appointments and it was a great experience to have this type of treatment.
Cycle City
Cycle City
Cindy has provided excellent service and care for me for several different things, such as pulled muscles in my back, broken ribs and a badly sprained wrist. I would not have healed as quickly without her help. She is excellent and I highly recommend her!
Sarah Graham
Sarah Graham
Cindy is welcoming, organized and good at what she does. I leave feeling immediate relief after every session. Cindy provides a warm and at-ease space for her clients!
Katie Randell
Katie Randell
Cindy has helped me with chronic back pain. She has been a blessing. I’ve seen other TCM practitioners in the past, and this has been by far my best experience. Thanks Cindy!
Janette Lillepold
Janette Lillepold
Cindy is a healer. I have had acupuncture treatments for many years. Cindy is absolutely one of the best. Caring and very focussed on healing whatever ails you. I am so grateful my husband and I found her. She has helped keep us off medications and live full lives and we are both heading into our 70s!!
Nikki Swaile
Nikki Swaile
Cindy has made a huge difference with the headaches I was having. Made a cream that helps for a skin issue as well. I highly recommend
Abhinav Saxena
Abhinav Saxena
Amy Chung
Amy Chung
Cindy is very knowledgeable and professional. She always makes sure to make me feel comfortable and provide a relaxed setting. Highly recommend her!
Antonette Bailey
Antonette Bailey
I want to say thank you to Cindy at 7leafs organic! I for the first time overcame my fears of acupuncture sessions and I am happy to have made a correct choice in choosing Cindy’s clinic. Was painless , relaxing and the massages after treeless so amazing! I have suffered for 12 years of horrible left hip and waist and tailbone pain after child birth that has cause me to have a stiff waist and knots on the back. Cindy gave me all the info I needed and kept me relaxed during the whole session. I have been healed of this pain I suffered from for 12 years in just my first appointment. I have booked my appointments for ongoing treatment as my experience with this clinic was more than I expected! I am truly engaged with having acupuncture to treat all my needs and to have its natural medicated benefits! I thank you again Cindy you are very professional and you know are knowledgeable! I suggest her clinic to every one who suffers from unhealed traumas of the body. I would give 10 stars and more!
Lisa Smith
Lisa Smith
I highly recommend acupuncture sessions with Cindy. I have noticed great improvement and flexibility in my neck and lower back after only a few visits.
I have been going to Cindy for acupuncture for a few weeks now for back issues and I have really started to notice a big improvement. It have been a very pleasant experience working with Cindy.
Jason Blyth
Jason Blyth
Cindy is a very knowledgeable practitioner and my treatments are always beneficial for pain relief and well being.
Stacey N
Stacey N
Cindy has worked absolute wonders with my shoulder. I have ongoing pain from a high stress desk job, and I have never felt better or had more flexibility since I’ve been seeing Cindy. She is kind, knowledge and very professional. I was nervous trying acupuncture, but I would recommend Cindy to anyone, especially someone new to it. She eases you in, explains everything and makes you instantly feel comfortable. 5 stars!
Colleen O'Neill
Colleen O'Neill
After my first treatment with Cindy I noticed a significant improvement in my mobility and energy, for which I am grateful.
Aishi Dey
Aishi Dey
I have been seeing Cindy for 6 weeks now. I now have less pain, more flexibility, strength and endurance. I am able to do things today I couldn't 2 months ago, I actually amaze myself. I will continue once a month for maintenance.Cindy is very competent and caring, I highly recommend her:)
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